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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Western Males Vulnerable in Next Phase of Human Evolution?

I am curious. In considering our current and past evolution, there is one aspect in the origin of dominant species that has tickled my curiosity— that of sexual cannibalism. The most glorified, dominant, and perfected species of any given class, infraclass, or superorder partake in this evolutionary behavior. For example the order of Dictyoptera, which is commonly associated with cockroaches, has the Praying Mantis, which is a sexual cannibalist.

The Black Widow, of the order of Aranea, also enjoys the slaughter of her mate. In this example, as well as many others, it should be noted the male is without exception the victim and is grossly smaller in mass than the female. In comparing this phenomenon with recent changes in modern American women; the observation is striking.

They are gaining considerable force in repressing, emasculating, and out-living males. American Women are also gaining considerable weight— which is commonly referred to as the female obesity epidemic—to the extent that sometime in this generation's existence it is quite possible that we may observe this dominant sex eat a full human male. Are we finally approaching our evolutionary destiny? I open this for discussion.


  1. Dr. Dakadil,
    This is a very interesting and insightful look into the current human condition which I have never before considered. I have a lot of female acquaintances around which I plan to investigate your theory ie field observation.

    PS: I am honored to be one one of the first to subscribe to your blog.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Although insightful, how do you account for the innate evolutionary disadvantage of weak bone structure, pronicity towards osteoporosis, and menopause? Would this evolutionary behavior occur in early life? Will we see smaller framed women disappear?


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